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神奇药丸 1177播放 超清


  • 主演: Rob Tate 
  • 导演: Robert Tate 
  • 分类: 纪录片
  • 地区: 澳大利亚 
  • 年份: 2017 
  • 更新: 2021-12-31
  • 短评: What if most of our modern diseases are really just symptoms of the same problem? The Magic Pill is


2017年纪录片电影《神奇药丸》讲述What if most of our modern diseases are really just symptoms of the same problem? The Magic Pill is a character-driven documentary that follows doctors, patients, scientists, chefs, farmers and journalists from around the globe who are combating illness through a paradigm shift in eating. And this simple change -- embracing fat as our main fuel -- is showing profound promise in improving the health of people, animals and the planet.@追高清由Rob,Tate等主演。

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